I am an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Connecticut. My research interests center around machine learning and data science. I have been developing machine learning models and algorithms on graph data. Besides, I apply machine learning to applications in various domains including healthcare, social media, science, and others. Now I focus on resource-efficient and safe learning on graph neural networks, large language models, and multi-modal data. My works are majorly published in top conferences of data science (e.g., KDD, WWW, and WSDM), machine learning (e.g., ICML, NeurIPS, and ICLR), and artificial intelligence (e.g., AAAI and IJCAI). I direct
the Machine Intelligence and Data Science (MINDS) Lab.
I have received some awards and honors such as the NSF CAREER Award (2024), the Frontiers of Science Award (2024), the AAAI New Faculty Highlight (2023), etc. Besides, my work won several Best Paper (Candidate) Awards in major conferences including CIKM 2021, WWW 2019, and WAIM 2016.
Before joining UConn, I was an assistant professor of Computer Science at Brandeis University (2020-2024). I did my PhD study of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Notre Dame (2017-2020), advised by Professor Nitesh Chawla.
My wife and I live in the Greater New York area.